I went shopping at Target this morning. Everytime I go there there's always some really cute toy or really cute outfit that I want to grab, but unfortunately that requires money. So every once in a while when Riley has been exceptional or I feel like I really need to spend some money, I go and I hit the Clearance sections of the store. Now a lot of people turn their nose up and go ewww clearance sections, that's where they put all the stuff nobody wanted to buy so it's there for a reason. And to this I say, BOOO!!! The clearance section is my best friend because when you're poor you can't just go grabbing things willy nilly like you can in the clearance section. So anyways I was meandering around the store with my sad lonely two bags of frozen broccoli in my cart when I stumbled into the toy section. Call me stupid, but I wasn't aware they had a toy clearance. And to tell you the truth, it's got some pretty good stuff. So anyways, we were walking through the isles and Riley starts to just freak out grunting and pointing clapping and squealing. Now yesterday we went to the same Target and I wanted to get her a baby doll that she could take in the tub with her so she knows how to help when Bridgette comes along, but that was nixed by the husband. So I thought that maybe she remembered it from yesterday and wanted to hold it again. So I turned to grab it and I saw this little gem:
Isn't it adorable?! And to my great surprise this is what Riley was clapping at, because her hands went to her head and she squealed like "That's it that's it I MUST have it!!!" (which means she's related to me.) So I HAD to buy it for her because when I handed it to her she HUGGED it like it was the best present in the whole world! You know like you did when you were little, and you were going through your presents and you hugged all of them except for the underwear that your mom INSISTED on buying for you? So I walked triumphantly to the front of the store and got in line, Riley hugging her little tea set the whole way, and me feeling like the best mom ever. So the lady scanned it and it was... this is the best part... 2.50$!!!! So not only did I make my little girl happy, it only cost 2.50. Take that you overpriced, over packaged 20.00$ toys!!! We don't need you! We have(angels singing) THE CLEARANCE SECTION at TARGET(angels singing). Here's some pictures of Riley excited to get the thing open( yes she IS biting the table, she does that sometimes) and then her playing with her spoils. I love my little girls and seeing them happy.
All she needs is a toy kitchen and some felt food to go along with it!
I also love the dollar section at Target, though I can't go down there every time I go cause i end up spending too much. Those $1 items really add up.
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