Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Best Treatment for Dry Hair.

A while ago I dyed my hair and it started to get dry and the ends would frizz and tangle. But I was just going to either get it cut or just deal with it. Since Mindy is in Missouri and I'm not a billionaire that can fly to Missouri just to get a hair cut, I decided just to deal with it and trim up the ends just so they wouldn't tangle so much. So I did that and it was fine but it still felt really dry and wouldn't do ANYTHING. I'm pretty sure many of YOU have had this happen. So I was convinced it was because my hair was too long. That's usually my excuse to cut my hair and my husband HATES it. Probably because to me "too long" usually means the back is hitting my collar and the front is starting to flip out on it's own. (As you can imagine, this makes it very difficult for me to grow out my hair. That and it's almost an addiction for me to chop my hair off.) So anyways I figured I needed to either cut it myself or put another layer of color on it. Tim voted for the color rather than the cut so I colored it again, hoping it would smooth out the tips and make it a little smoother than the time before. After I did it, it untangled just fine. My hair LOVES to be colored and always feels better after a color, but the front was still a little dry. Oh well I figured. Lately my interest in doing nails has peaked to a point that I have stuff to do UV gel sets for fingers and they actually look good, so I ordered some stuff online from Sally's Beauty Supply and waited for it to arrive so I could expound on my new interest. when my stuff came a little sample bottle of Argan Tree Oil was in the bottom of the box. I figured it was a bonus thing cause I spent so much, cause I didn't order it. For those of you who don't know what an Argan tree is this is what Wikipedia says.. " ...The tree, a relict species from the Tertiary age, is extremely well adapted to drought and other environmentally difficult conditions of southwestern Morocco. The species Argania once covered North Africa and is now endangered and under protection of UNESCO. The Argan tree grows wild in semi-desert soil, its deep root system helping to protect against soil erosion and the northern advance of the Sahara." Okay it's a tree that grows in Morocco, great right? Right. Argan Oil is found in many hair treatments as a smoothing agent, and repair catalyst. Downside, it's mainly found in relaxers and deep moisturizing for African American hair, which we all know can be VERY dry and nappy, making it difficult to style sometimes. So I found this little bottle in bottom of my box of goodies. So I figure, hey, I could use this. So I tried it and it worked wonderfully, no to mention it smells delightful. So I started to use it regularly. My hair got so soft and moisturized I couldn't stop touching it. Now my hair is nice and shiny and I don't have all those little annoying fly aways like I used to get around my face. Here's my hair regimen if you want to try.
Day one: I use a dry shampoo and I don't wash my hair unless I had a lot of crap in it the day before. Dry shampoo is awesome too. If you do your hair the way you like for one day and don't want to wash it out. Just spray it on your roots and freshen up your style a little bit. Gives a new bounce to your style and has a nice texture for hold.

Day two: I shampoo and condition this day and I leave the conditioner on for a LONG time. like I do everything else and then rinse off and sometimes get out and dry off before rinsing the conditioner out. after shower, I comb through it and put in and mousse that I may need for that day's style, and I let my hair rest, meaning I don't do anything with it for at least five minutes. lets me gets dressed, put lotion on, do my make up, and brush my teeth. Then I let it air dry as much as possible before styling. If you let your hair rest before styling the style will hold better.

Day three: I shampoo and condition as normal and use the Argan Oil treatment. It doesn't take very much for thin white girl hair, so judge accordingly. You don't need a whole handful! the size of a pea is quite enough for even really long hair. Just rub it in your hands and work it into your hair from tip to roots. The tips is really what you should focus on cause that's where it gets really dry and if you go the other way you'll end up looking like this:

Yeah not very appealing. but if you follow my instructions use trial and error and figure out what works best for your hair, you'll end up looking like this:

Okay so it may not make your straight hair curl like a dream or give you a flawless face, but you will have beautiful hair. Just try it and tell me you don't like it.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Word World and the Toilet

So Riley has a favorite show. Since she's one, I don't really feel bad about that because it's a show that helps develop letter recognition and basic reading skills, so she's quickly adding to the repertoire of words she knows and can identify. She's also starting some potty training. Not hard core potty training, I'm aware she's only one and it's not going to happen overnight, we just sit her on her little toilet about once a day just to get her used to the idea. It's fun to watch her learn and grow and we are so excited for this next little baby to join the party! Riley likes to shake my belly and feel the baby roll around. She thinks it's pretty funny. So thankfully I only have about 3 or 4 weeks left depending on what the Doctor says. it's been so interesting how different this pregnancy was from Riley's. Every day seemed to drag with hers, with it being a new experience, but this one has flown by! Makes me sad actually. I really do enjoy being pregnant and when people look at me weird when I say that, all I have to say is that it's better than having a period... Really I'm not kidding. To me it's just a lot easier cause I don't have to deal with the hassle that a menstrual cycle can cause. And as for child labor and birth, I would rather have to go through that instead of cramping. Labor is just pressure and only a bit of pain, and not to mention the availability of pain medication where cramping you can only take so many drugs for it, it's an actual twisting of muscles in a very vulnerable spot in your body, and you get NO sympathy whatsoever for it. Since it happens every month, we're supposed to be able to breeze through it? No thanks!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Saturday 2010

Halloween Saturday was spent at my parents house. Everyone came over and after Dorthy and I finally decided what we were going to dress up as, we ate and took the kids around to a few houses. Dorthy and I painted our faces and did our hair as Gorgons (Stephanie dressed up as Workout Barbies' mom, ...lame) and I dressed Tim up as Apollo. He was such a good sport and it turned out pretty good! He had a good tan and everything! but I didn't get a picture... sigh running on only one hour of sleep makes you forget some things. But Riley dressed up as the pumpkin princess in the other costume I found for her. Yes not only did I buy her costumes, but I bought her TWO, but they were so cute I couldn't help myself!

Riley the pumpkin princess, Rowan as Woody, Abi as Workin' Out Barbie

This is as close as we could get getting them to sit by their pumpkins for a picture. So we just made do with what we had...

Halloween Friday 2010

So we have read multiple times that I LOVE Halloween. And fortunately for me, so does Riley. We get excited about it before the week of even rolls around and with it being on Sunday this year, we had THREE days to party instead of just one. Steph has some cute pictures on her blog of our Halloween party at my mom's but Friday night Tim's parent's ward had a trunk or treat where everyone shows up to the church parking lots and the kids trick or treat out of the back or the cars. Not a bad idea and with how fast it got so cold this year, a real life saver, especially for the little kids.

Riley and Dad trick or treating, I'm pretty sure Tim was just showing her off to the people in the ward, but she is pretty cute, so I'll let it slide. Friday she wore the sugar plum fairy costume I found for her and we made her cheeks rosy and everyone thought she was adorable. Although someone at Tim's work saw her and said, "Oh how cute! An Eggplant!" Really? An eggplant? I know the costume is purple but who in their right mind would dress their baby up as an eggplant with wings? I like my vegetables and I'm all for being creative on Halloween, but I'm not exactly what you would call a VeggieTales enthusiast.

Riley with Unlce "Indiana" Mike

Riley with Grandma Tucker

After the candy was all passed out, we all went inside and we ate from plethora of soups people in ward had made. Then when we went back to grandma and grandpa Tucker's house we had to listen about Ben's heartburn;)It was a lot of fun and unfortunately Chris and Katie weren't around so I didn't get any pictures of Conner or Kenzie but I did get some of Landon, He's such a cute little bug and this picture is by far my favorite of the night...

Good Evening...

Chelsie Hill 5k Run October 2010

Tim has been on a soccer kick lately as we are all aware off and he's decided he needs to get into shape for upcoming soccer league season in Spring of next year. Right like HE needs to get into shape(scoffs). So he's been running miles after Sarah's soccer games and just for fun (not lately cause he fell down the stairs at his parents house and twisted his ankle up pretty good) but he does enjoy running, so when he found out that they were holding a memorial run for Chelsie Hill (a girl his age who went to Hunter and tragically dies in a car accident a month or so ago) he was pretty excited to be able to run it. He asked people on his Facebook account if anyone wanted to run it with him and his brother Chris and an old mission companion Jacob Braghini said they would. I went for moral support cause really if I tried to run or even walk a 5k, we would have had an EARLY baby, and I didn't think that would be a very good idea. I'm sure there's some people who would do a 5 k when they're pregnant, but I don't like doing when I'm NOT pregnant, so really, yeah just not something I think I could do. So here's a picture of the athletes. Katie and her brother and sister were there too with Kenzie and Conner, but I was dumb and didn't get a picture of them. Sorry guys! It started to rain right before the runners started to come back into the stadium where they started, and then it started to pour and trying to wrestle a wet sick baby almost eight months pregnant is kind of difficult, so as soon as Jacob and Tim came back, I was ready to go, so I don't have any pictures of their triumphant returns, but Jacob came in third place and Tim was eighth or so, and Chris was a few people after Tim. Good job you guys!!