Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bridget is One already!

My baby Bridget turned one on Tuesday and it's pretty much boggling my mind. I can't believe that one year ago, I was holding a new little miracle in my arms and marveling at the wonder that is childbirth and children. It is truly a blessing in my life and my children are my way to true happiness. That's just me though.:) I was going to do a whole montage of the past year with Bridget so we can look and see how she has grown but my pictures are on a external hard drive that is not at my house. so when I get it back I'll be sure to add them to this post.:)

Thursday, December 1, 2011


May I just say that buying a home is one of the most exhausting things I've ever been a part of and I'm not even the one doing anything! For those of you who didn't know DH and I have been looking for a home to buy since he got his new job. Seeing as our lease on our apartment is up at he end of February, we're pretty glad we decided to look sooner than we planned. We looked at a few houses and put a few offers in which obviously didn't pan out.  Our realtor brought up a home that we had seen on the market but Tim looked at the pictures and saw the stairs were on an angle and turned his nose up at it. We were just turned down for one of the best houses we had ever seen for a screamin' deal so naturally Tim was feeling a little beaten. I had seen Breaking Dawn p1 the night before and was really tired but immediately when we walked into the house with our realtor we felt at home. Tim found that he liked the angled stairs and he loved the back yard. (which by the way, is HUGE). There wasn't a fridge in the home but that would be easy to fix. Needless to say, Tim felt that this was a good home to try for. So we put in an offer which was countered which we in turn countered and we ended up getting it after two nail biting gut wrenching days and two surprise offers. Wednesday Craig, our realtor called Tim and let him know that we one the toss up. That's a pretty good feeling :) Let's look at some pictures shall we? We should close in January and I didn't take these pictures so I haven't been able to clean anything so don't judge me. these are just so we all know what it looks like.
 This is the front yard. The grass is sad but one spring and it'll be fine.
 This is the front room. Tim didn't like the "native american" wallpaper border along the vaulted wall. :) Easy to fix.
 These are those angled stairs and this picture makes them look filthy. They are pretty dirty, good thing I have a good vacuum.
 Our little kitchen I'm excited for the two windows over the corner sink. Very comfy.
 I have french doors out to my back yard! And a fireplace! YAY!
Our HUGE backyard. We have no neighbors to the east because it's a patch of horse property. I always knew I would have horses in my backyard!!:)

Isn't it cute? We love it and we're really excited to be able to have our own home. Come over when we're all moved m'kay?! :)