Thursday, February 24, 2011

So I Almost Cut My Thumb Off, but My Bench Came!

From the title of this post I'm sure you can imagine what happened last night. But let's talk about what happened today!!!! I ordered a bench from on Monday and it showed up today. I HEART TARGET. As anyone who reads this will tell you, I'm a walking target advertisement. They have the best stuff, it just makes me want to fill my house with junk that doesn't match just so I can have it. Anyways I ordered this and it came today and I have to admit I cried a little, I love it so much. it's so... trendy, is that the right word?

and Now I have an excuse to buy orange pillows for my couches! YAY!
Onto the beginning of the title. I almost cut my thumb off. Yes. I was trying to get a pit out of an avacado and knife went through the pit the skin and then my thumb. The pictures don't make it look that bad but I could tell I had cut it pretty deep. I could see the fat cells all collected together into little lipid balls. It was kinda cool.

And Riley ate a whole pudding cup by herself.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Schmidt Sunday Feb 2011

We all know every Sunday the Schimdts get together and have a family night kind of thing where we mostly just eat dinner and laugh at each other. This last Sunday my mom wanted to try a "tasting party". I guess she saw it on the food nanny and she wanted to try it because we have some pretty picky farts in our family (i.e. Dad, Tim and Rory.)
So we all got to make a dinner dish and a dessert dish or two dinner dishes or whatever, and then we got to taste a little bit of each one. But that meant the week before, I had to decide what the heck we were going to bring. Very late Saturday night Tim brings two recipes to me that we have to go get stuff for. All I can say is thank goodness our church is at 1 in the afternoon. We got our stuff prepped and ready to go on Sunday and by 5:30 we were at my parents house. We decided we would make Open Faced Chicken Roasted Pepper and Pesto sandwiches and Candied Bananas.

Rory and Dorthy made Lignonberry Tartlets (which were very sour/good)and teriyaki meatballs that when you ate with pineapple, were very good, but you had to eat them with the pineapple otherwise they were pretty darn sweet. Steph and Kevin had made Pork Japanese Curry(at least I think it was Japanese, but it had pork in it, so I was okay) and they also made baked shrimp scampi which tasted like butter so I was extra okay.:)

Charles made potato gnocchi in a tomato based sauce. I thought it needed some zuchinni and more vegetables, but it was still really good. Gnocchi is a dense either flour or potato base noodle so naturally, I like it.

Mom made Basmati Rice and Chicken Curry- Masala (I think) which was kind of underwhelming. It looked and smelled good but then when you tasted it, it tasted like chicken and rice. Which I like, but I've had it a couple time before, so it wasn't really exciting.:)
Then we went through the usual routine. Girls went downstairs with the kids and watched tv while the boys stayed upstairs and played video games. It's always fun together with family.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Only One More Week!

I only have one more week until I start school! I'm getting antsy about it, if you can't tell.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day 2011

We celebrated Valentine's Day on Friday and Tim ordered these for me. Pretty huh? They are Peruvian Lillies and last a little bit longer and are WAY better than lame roses. What's that? You want to read what is on the card? Well, if you insist.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Two Projects Down, A Gazillion More to Go.

I didn't go to church today (I know, *GASP*) because I have two sick children and I don't feel like taking my infant to the hospital so we're just going to stay away from people and their germs. But as the kids were sleeping I got to catch up on a few of my projects that I've been meaning to do but just haven't ever gotten around to doing.I LIKE doing crafty things, it's just getting the motivation to actually DO them that's the hard part.

I made a car seat cover that Mindy gave me the pattern for before I even had the baby, but again, just WANTING to do things lately has been a little challenging. But I finally got it done. Mindy even sent me the instructions and everything, but of course I was never good at following directions so I just eyeballed most of it.

It covers the carseat. That's what it was made for so I guess not too bad for winging it.:)

I also made a new pad for our baby swing. Bridget spends a lot of time in it, just because that's where she sleeps the best especially when she's sick:( poor baby. But now she has a stylish new cover to sleep on.

And if anyone knows me I don't like to make things that are totally gender specific so it's double sided with a fabric that can be used for a boy. Cute huh? Well, I like it and I'm pretty proud of myself.

Now I need to settle on a fabric for my dress to wear to Charles and Amber's wedding in a month! Ahhhh! A month! I better hurry and get my procrastinating done so I actually have a dress to wear.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Can You Fit a Cow, a Chicken, and a Pig in YOUR Freezer?

Today Tim's work gave them a little "thanks for reaching your goals" bonus. It wasn't money, but it worked just as well. They did what they called a "Dash for Groceries" at the Macey's across the road from their building. According to what department you were in you were allotted so much money to spend on groceries that you grabbed from around the store in 2 minutes flat. ONLY if your team met their goals. Cool huh? Well Tim's team met all their goals and then some so each person their team got 250$ to spend on groceries. Nice! I'm used to a 100-150$ a month budget for groceries, so this was a big deal for me. Tim and I decided it would be best if the majority of the money went to big ticket items that we like to eat. AKA Animals. Meat. Ground Beef, chicken, pork chops, pork roast, beef roast, steak. Ah yeah I said STEAK and lots of it. Anyways, we had gone to Macey's beforehand and got a feel for what their prices were like and found out that we could pre-order dollar amounts of meat and they would have it precut and packaged and in a cart waiting for us by the meat counter. Well duh. Who wouldn't do that? Unless of course, you're a vegetarian, then, well, ...yeah anyways, the big day comes and Tim is all psyched about running through a grocery store like it's his wildest dream come true. (Little did he know that not only would he be able to do it, but he'd be able to do it 3 times.) Our meat is ordered and we have a plan on where we're going and what we're grabbing. Our buzzer sounds and we book it to the meat counter. Tim, obviously leaving me in the dust because, let's face it, short legs are not meant for runnin'. We grab our meat cart and it has a HUGE box in it already. We grabbed a bunch of frozen things to finish off our 250$ and we made it to the front with 5 seconds to spare. I learned that two minutes is actually a LONG time and you really don't have to run especially if you know what you're shopping for. So we got to the front and we were only 12$ over our 250$ so yeah I'll the difference. We get it all home and start re packing the HUGE box of animal product to be frozen. Keep in mind I live in an apartment. With APARTMENT sized appliances including the fridge and freezer. So as we're re-packing all this meat, Tim is telling me we can definitely fit it all. "All you need is a little organization" he keeps telling me. So this is all the meat repacked and in the freezer.

And another angle just to illustrate how far "organizing" was going to get us.

Oh did I mention there was all this left to be put into the freezer as well? Yeah. Organize THAT.

Needless to say we had to enlist the services of Tim's parents freezer for a while at least until we start getting low on frozen stuff. It'll be good and it'll be used once I start going to school in March cause Tim will be in charge of getting Riley and himself fed without the convenience of having a car. All I can say is that it's a good thing animals taste so good otherwise those pictures might be considered gross. Hello PETA!

So long everyone! Off to bed! Stay Large!(A little inside joke for you:))

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Three Posts in One Day?! It's Worth it.

I know I've done three posts in one day, this one is just so funny I couldn't help it. This is the main event over at
and honestly I've never laughed so hard in my life. (Except when I'm reading other posts on Cake Wrecks.)

Wait for it.

Keep looking.

Did you see it? Yeah.... If anyone knows me, they know that I would eat that cookie after I peed my pants from laughing so hard.

Happy Birthday Mom!

My mom turned 49 on the 5th of this month and my dad got her a special something. A few months ago she looked at her wedding ring one day and the diamond had fallen out after 30 years and a lot of abuse, it was gone! So my dad wanted to look at how much it would be to get it recrowned and get a new bigger diamond. Needless to say, it was WAY too expensive. Us kids had bought my dad a new wedding band after her lost his down at the farm last year off of Overstock so I started looking there and sent a few to him to look at. He didn't like the ones I sent, so I just waited for him to decide what he wanted. He called me one day and had me look at this ring that he found

It's very similar to my mom's old one except hers was a round diamond and didn't have the little accent diamonds and the wedding band was welded to the engagement ring. So I ordered it for him and it finally came the Monday before the big day. I can't imagine how hard it was for Dad to keep that secret. He is a big softie and pretty sentimental about things like that, don't let his gruff exterior fool you, so I'm sure he was itching to give it to her that day, but he waited until Saturday when we all came over for cake and ice cream. Luckily we got to see my Grandma and Grandpa before they went back down to farm for the night. It was cute to see the little set up Dad had put the ring in. He bought a little Valentine bear and wrapped the box and put it in the little basket the bear was holding. After much effort mom finally got all the wrapping paper from around the little ring box. Before she opened it he said, "You said yes thirty years ago, would you say it again?"
AWWWWWWWWWWWW! Isn't that precious?! Who knew my dad was such a romantic? Anyways, it was cute and I'm glad she likes it. Hopefully this one lasts a little longer and then they can save up for a BIGGER diamond;)Mom will tell you she doesn't really want one, but who doesn't appreciate a big sparkle on their finger? ;)

Happy Birthday Mom! We Love You!

Christmas From Pompa Schmidt

I know it's February but I finally got Riley's gifts from her Grandpa Schmidt painted and finally got some pictures of them. Riley loves her Pompa so anything from him she adores.
He made her a little hutch and a pair of chairs so she can sit and read, one of her favorite things to do. When we took the hutch home we were trying to figure out what we were going to use it for, and Riley brought her books in and started to load it up immediately.

Sarah painted this one. Look out Sarah you're getting talented.

I painted the animals on this one. And you can tell cause it doesn't look as nice as Sarah's

As you can see it's a good place to sit and have a snack

Or watch a Zhu Zhu Pet cage match.

I know my dad worked really hard on these for her and we appreciate them. They perfect for her and if she would slow down long enough, I know she would give him a big hug and a snotty kiss, just cause she knows how much he loves that.:) Thanks Pompa!

And here's a picture of Bridget just because.