Monday, October 11, 2010

Play Date at the Park

So since we haven't had any money to actually go anywhere out of our small radius around our house Riley and I have gotten a bit stir crazy and we needed a little Abi play time. So I invited Steph to come up and bring Abi and we would go to Wheeler Farm and get some cute pictures of them together. Kevin works on Saturdays and I know how boring it can be being by yourself all day, so that's why I invited them up and I was SUPER bored. So steph came up around 2ish and we were still cleaning our apartment which I had started that morning and then Tim got involved and it just ended up looking like it did before we started, so we headed out. We first went to Wheeler Farm and I'm not sure what was going through my mind at the moment, but I was thinking it was a little chilly, the sky has been overcast all morning, there won't be too many people there. Yeah I was DEAD wrong. There were way too many people there, you could barely get out of your car! so I, being my father's daughter and having a severe hatred for large crowds, decided we were going to go the park instead. Which turned out okay because we were still able to take these cute pictures.

I personally like the look on her face.

I think they might be getting a little too big to do this.

And I don't know about Abi but Riley was TIRED after playing so hard. She took a nap after we got home and almost slept an hour before her bedtime, then she slept all night long, which was FANTASTIC especially considering she woke up at 3 am saturday morning and didn't fall back asleep until about 5 am. That makes for very tired parents. But I'm glad Steph and Abi could come and play. it's always fun to have people come over and play.


Unknown said...

OMg, in the bottom picture I once again see my little Kynna in Riley's look. I don't know if it is the eyes or the pacifier but something in here screams Kynna to me!!!!

tuckerclucker21 said...

you probably see Riley in her face cause of the attitude she had while I was taking the picture. She was all, "Mom? Could we? What's with all the pictures?"