Sunday, September 19, 2010

Panic! At the Tucker Home

See it's like the band name Panic! at the Disco... get it? ha ha ha...uh okay so I'm awake at 11:30 at night not only because it's got to be at least 400 degrees in my house because my air conditioning is broken,(darn you stupid fan belt) but because I'm also a little afraid to go to sleep, for fear I may wake up in the middle of the night not able to breathe, which would more than likely happen because it is 400 degrees in my house. Kinda silly huh? A little while before I found out I was pregnant with Riley I was working at very stressful place to work and found myself on my bathroom floor one night not able to breathe or move. I was pretty sure that it was a stress induced panic attack because all I could think about was the people at the place I worked (it was an rehab/retirement center) and I was pretty sure I was about to die. But I quit that job and it didn't happen again. Until... this morning at 3:00 am. This scares me because I don't have a job to worry about, I don't live under stressful situations, while Tim can be stressful, but really not give me a heart attack stressful and I really don't have much in my life to worry about. I have it pretty darn good in my opinion. But then out of nowhere I wake up in the middle of the night with my chest hurting, a pain that emanates into my back and makes it very difficult to breathe. So after I toss and turn for a little bit I whimper to Tim that I need my back rubbed. He does, even at 3 in the morning, what a sweetheart, but it's not really helping the intense pain in my chest that is only getting worse by the minute. So I get up and try to stretch it out thinking I just slept in one position too long. Come to find out moving makes things worse. I described it to Tim as "labor pains in my sternum" Yeah baby does sit high, but not THAT high. It finally progressed to a point where it was urgent enough to me that I felt like I needed to go t a doctor. so Tim set about getting ready urging me to put some clothes on, but remember how it hurt to move? Yeah... I got as far as the pants he threw at me and covered the rest with my robe. There really wasn't anybody we could call to come stay with Riley at the house so, Tim woke her up and put her in the car. She was looking at me pretty weird the whole time we were driving because a: I'm half on the back seat and half on the floor because that's the only position that I could breathe slightly in, and b: it's nearly 4 in the morning and she's been dragged out of bed to what, watch her mom have a heart attack? Nice. Tim didn't want to call 911 or anything so we went in search of an IHC UrgentCare that was open. Turns out they close at 6pm, because really, does anything URGENT happen AFTER 6pm? All I can say is that every time I've been emergency hospitalized, it's been WELL after 6pm. So I do my best with the pain which is now subsiding now that it's almost 5 in the morning and I'm just too tired to feel pain anymore. So we came home and slept in until 10. So I probably SHOULD go to bed, because the lack of sleep really isn't going to help but my ankles are swollen(my only pregnancy complaint) and they hurt so I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight either. Sigh


DA said...

Wow, I hope you're feeling better, but I hope you're able to at least talk to a doctor soon, if you haven't already. Let me know if there is anything we can do for you...

tuckerclucker21 said...

Thanks, I talked to my OB when I was at my doctor's appointment on Monday and she said if it happens again to definitely go to the ER but since it's only happened a grand total of two times in my life, it's probably panic attacks. But other than that I'm fine. Riley was looking at me the whole time like "Mom, geez shut up already"