Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's Totally Nerdy, But Who Really Cares?

So I get total nerd bucks for this post because it is in fact VERY nerdy. I got a flexible keyboard and it's really cool! I feel like a spy when I type on it which, by the way I am doing THIS VERY MOMENT. Cool huh? OK, it's lame but you have to understand that ever since I saw the movie "Live Free, Die Hard" I've wanted a flexible keyboard. that's where the nerd bucks come into play. I thought it was cool when he shoots the car into the helicopter, and it was cool when he was fighting the Asian chick, but the only OMG moment i had during that movie was near the end when the bad guys break into the secure area for whatever it is they are trying to take over and the computer nerd ROLLS out his keyboard. Ever since that moment I wanted one just so I could do that move. not take over the untied States or anything but roll out the keyboard. Those of you who have seen this movie know what I'm talking about but those of you who haven't, well, you're missing out really and it's the Die Hard that isn't rated R! so we get the best of both worlds!! Just look it up and watch it because it's awesome.

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