Monday, June 21, 2010

My Obsession

So if you ask my husband he'll say that I read not for knowledge but for sustenance of life. Which may or may not be true, I'm not sure, but it's true I do love to read. Anyways, there's been some hype over Alice in Wonderland lately and it's been really interesting to read different opinions about the book. My favorite take on the fantasy is Written by Frank Beddor a trilogy called "The Looking Glass Wars". His spin on the old fairy tale is that Alice is actually the Princess of Wonderland daughter to Queen Genevieve of White Imagination and King Nolan. The evil side is Redd Genevieve's sister who was denounced and surpassed by her younger sister to the throne, for her lack of respect for rules and anything good and her love for Black Imagination. Alice is running from Redd and gets transported through the Pool of Tears into Victorian London, Lewis Carroll's time and at first she insists of her royalty and is singled out and harassed for it. She in reality spells her name Alyss, which I think is much cuter than the traditional spelling, but is also badgered into spelling it more "traditional". She grows and learns to suppress her former life and adapts to the lifestyle she has fallen quite literally, into and when at the last moment she fears she would have to spend the rest of her life with a man she doesn't love, she is saved by a familiar face, a man, whom she knew as a boy named Dodge Anders, as Redd's soldiers come blasting through a portal into our world. Amongst so much action and craziness you find that "The Mad Hatter" is actually Hatter Maddigan the chief of the Millinery and protection to the queen and who uses his infamous top hat as an unusual weapon. The bong smoking caterpillars (yes there are more than just the one) are prophets whom the Monarchy call upon in times of need. So basically my point is, I read it in a day and a half so there's really no reason for someone to not read it. It's fun , it's easy and I loved the different take. Of course this is just my opinion, I highly recommend it. Please feel free to write me about any interesting books you have read lately, I like to hear from everybody!:)


Alicia Clingman said...

I love to read too and that book looks good :) I'll have to read it. I recently read a book called "The Walking Drum" and loved it. It's an adventure book by Louis L'Amore. It's based in the 12th century and is about a man who's looking for his father, it's good :)

tuckerclucker21 said...

That sounds like a western. Isn't that what Louis L'Amore writes? My mom was a ll about him for a while. I might have to check that one out.

Alicia Clingman said...

He does write Westerns, but that one's actually not, I think they call it a Historical fiction or something... it's good I promise!