Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I Stayed up Way too Late and Learned A New Word, Beat that Reading Rainbow!

Last night was the midnight showing of "Twilight Saga: Eclipse". First of all I wonder how Stephenie Meyers feels about her book series now being called a "saga". The books are hardly long enough to be called novels as is. :) Oh well. I'm not going to give anything away because I have a certain sister in law who didn't get to go :( with us last night and I'm pretty sure she would/ could reach through the internet and strangle me to death for talking about it.;) Just kidding. I will however say this, I learned a new word last night that I will never ever forget but also will never ever use unless I'm making fun of someone, okay hear it goes.... And the new word is.... "Twi-Hard" (stifled snort) this word is to give a genre to all the crazy fans who dress up, have those insane all day parties, and have left their husbands in search for their real life Edward, or Jacob....(yes it actually has happened). But really? "TWI" hard? Good grief do we really need to make up our own words just so everyone will know what kind of sheets we sleep on at night? I don't think so, but hey I could be gravely mistaken. :)All things considered, I will say that the acting has (heavy sigh) gotten a little better, so don't go to the movie expecting to see the same crap you saw in the first one with Robert Pattinson, "Must. Not. Puke." But there are a few times I was afraid he would actually swallow Bella's head... why Rob? why can't you just pucker like a normal human? Even fish can do it! Oh that's right because you're a Vampire... (heavy sigh) and if you are on Team Jacob (chuckle and shake head) like so many (snort) Twi-hards out there, you'll be glad to know that he steams when rain water hits his muscular body. And this time, it's either ALWAYS raining or Jacob is just sweating, ewwww. That's really all I can say other than, is Carlisle supposed to have an accent only half of the time? Or is that just the "cool" thing to do nowadays?;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL!!! Awhhh I am seriously sad I missed it and still have not made it to the theater to see it. Lets just say after going to the theaters in Utah I feel a little spoiled here you actually had to wait in a LONG line to try to get a good seat. Oh welll I am sure I will make it there eventually!