Thursday, August 27, 2009

Schmidt Family Staycation '09

We actually finished our family staycation on Sunday, but I'm a little slow on the posting lately. The staycation has formed merely from the fact is that everyone is too poor to go anywhere, but my mom wants everyone to be able to be together for a vacation. Ideally she would like to take us somewhere, but because of the while poor issue, she's in the same boat everybody else is. Nevertheless, it's always a lot of fun... at least it has been the last two years we've done it. I was stupid and didn't take any pictures of our family togetherness for this year, but Dorthy did so I'll have to hound her for those and get them up. Summer is slowly coming to a close, with Sarah back in school fall smells closer than ever. Which is pretty darn exciting... I love fall. Don't get me wrong, I love summer too, but not like I love spring and fall. Anyways for our staycation, we all went and stayed at my parents house, I know crazy because we're slowly getting bigger and bigger in the family department and my parents house seems to be increasingly getting smaller and smaller. But we all spent Friday night through Sunday afternoon at my parents house swimming and eating and playing games and having fun. Well, most of us had fun, I'm not so sure about my dad, he kinda needs his space, aka, his room with his tv, aka the living room couch. Anyways, we all stayed there and we ahd a lot of fun.

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