Saturday, January 23, 2010

Goodbye January... 2010 is already a month over

January is quickly slipping past and I say good riddance. I have never been a huge fan of January as the only snow left is gross and crusty and just seems to hang around forever and here in the bowl that is the Salt Lake Valley, we get the lovely inversion, mmmmmm terrible. But I would have to say that this has been one of the most enjoyable January-s I have ever experienced. Many good things have happened this month, I started my water aerobics class, which BTW is totally kicking my butt and there are days I want to go home and die, Riley hit her six month mark which is a pretty big deal to me because she is growing up so fast I don't want to belittle any second of it. i found out some exciting news from my mom, but I can't say anything because it pertains to a certain missionary and when he is expected to be doing something very exciting for everyone here at home. I have talked my mom into letting us do a Schmidt Family "Iron Chef" but, since that name is taken, I need suggestions before the third Sunday in February as we're supposed to have our first one then, and we have a secret ingredient that we're supposed to make a "out- of-the-usual" entree and dessert and bring it to our third sunday dinner where we'll "judge" each other's food and yes there are points given for presentation! every day that passes from January is one more day closer to the release of
"Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief " movie and pretty much everyone in my family has read them and we're making shirts to wear (yeah thanks to me and my twilight shirt, which Steph has a picture of on her blog BTW that you can see at Armtistead Family News it's pretty silly but she has some cute pics of her little baby Abi, so it's worth your time.:)) Tim is especially excited about the whole shirt idea and is driving everyone crazy about how much he over thinks his designs he wants, but I'm really glad he's reading good books. I don't know if he read much before he met me and started to hang out with my family where we read like it lives depend upon it, thanks Dad, most of us can devour a book in a day, including my father. If you have not heard about these books I seriously suggest you check them out because they are classic hero stories but they will never get old because of the inventive way they are told. Tim really identified with Percy because in the books it says that one of the traits of being a Demi-God is that you have ADD and dyslexia and Tim had these both, ADD more than dyslexia, and my dad's genes has bestowed that upon my brothers and myself. So they are entertaining and relate-able and they like I said before they are the classic hero stories from Greek mythology but tells it in such a fun way you hardly even know that you're learning. Just today I could hear Tim telling his brother who hasn't read it, the myth that the story follows and he's spouting names and items and he's telling it like a pro, all I could do was smile because I've always loved Greek and Egyptian mythology and it's nice to have something to talk to him about. But yeah my whole family is going to a showing of the movie and we're all pretty stoked about it, hence the shirts and the super long rant I just wrote about it. But honestly if you got YOUR dad to say "Yeah sure make me a shirt with something about Zeus on it." wouldn't YOU get excited?

If you haven't seen it, here's a trailer to get you hype

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