Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Still No Baby...

So due date came and went and still there's no baby. Today we started with a fever and now I'm dealing with killer heartburn and nausea. I actually felt what I'm supposed to be feeling contraction wise but it has to really be up there in the 80-100s scale on the little monitor for me to actually feel it. So I'm not really sure what the "true contractions" feel like but 100 barely twinge so maybe labor will be a sinch. It's the heartburn I'm dealing with right now that I want to die from. Maybe that's a sign a of labor. :) I can only hope. I know it's only one day past my due date, but with the way I feel right now, I'm really, really tired of being like this. Now that the due date is past I feel like I'm going to be pregnant for the rest of my life. NOT a good feeling. Do I have rights to complain about it now? Before it would have just been annoying but being past due warrants some type of free reign to complain, right? Someone please tell me it's almost over, and that I'm going into labor tonight. Or right now, whichever gets me done faster. I have tried really hard not to whine or complain, but I'm just done and being pregnant has been fine up until the last 4 days and with the feet swelling and the annoying pain in my groin, I think I've been tolerable but now I have unstoppable heartburn and the tightness in my belly ever minute or so for a minute. Can labor still be days away? Honestly I hope not. I really need to stop complaining. I promised myself that I wouldn't hate being pregnant. And to be honest, I really don't, I'm just ready to be done waiting for the end result. Seriously Riley, you're killin' me!!!!!!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

A girl I work with is in the same boat as you! She complains so I think you can too :) Just go on a nice long walk and see if that makes labor start.