Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I Don't Know if You Noticed...

Hey everybody I don't really have any news other than my husband bought us a suh-weet camera because My bro-in-law let us borrow his to take pictures of Tim's brother and his wife for their sealing (! Yay for Dustin and Mercedes!) But I'll do more about the camera once I learn more about it, it's a little complicated and I'm excited Tim is so stoked about learning photography. Anyways, I've added a NEW BLOG for you to follow and check out from my blog. It's Called Mila's Daydreams and it's just this woman who is on maternity leave and poses her sleeping baby in different poses according to whatever she thinks her baby is dreaming about and I have to say this baby is flippin' adorable. this woman's name is Adele and she lives in Helsinki which explains all the way cool fabrics and clothes her baby is wearing. It's just so creative I had to share! Check it out! www.milasdaydreams.blogspot.com


Unknown said...

OMG! How cute are those pictures!!! Thanks for smile on my face today, I need it after a morning with the kids!

The Armitsteads said...

My goodness. That baby must sleep like a rock!